The Spread of HIV is Likely to be totally curtailed by 2030

The Spread of HIV is Likely to be totally curtailed by 2030

Recent Study Shows that people living with HIV who begin antiretroviral therapy soon after acquiring the virus – before the virus has weakened their immune systems – are more likely to stay healthy and less likely to transmit the virus to their partners- WHO

So much success has been recorded in ensuring that people living with HIV live a normal life. The availability of antiretroviral therapy to all nooks and crannies has reduced drastically the death of people living with HIV. The massive awareness on HIV has also reduced the spread of the infection.  The peak of HIV was in 2004 and since then ‘the number of deaths has fallen by 42% with some 7.8 million lives being saved over the last 15 years. The number of new infections has fallen by 35% since the turn of the century’-WHO

As we mark the world HIV day, let us remember the recent call at the UN General Assembly in September to end HIV by 2030 and put to heart all the precautions to guide against the spread of HIV. Early detection of the virus has been acknowledged as a way to likely stop the transmission either from partner to partner or from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth. Let us continue to ensure that:

  • we don’t have unprotected anal or vaginal sex.
  • we treat other sexually transmitted infections as a matter of urgency
  • we don’t share needles, syringes and other injecting items
  • we  ensure blood is screened before transfusions
  • we avoid accidental needle prick at saloons
  • we ensure all medical items that need to be sterilized before procedure are done as a health worker.
See also  Thailand pioneered the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis in Asia –Pacific region

Most importantly we must ensure that we are annually or bi annually tested against HIV

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