Ovarian cancer is the cancer of the ovary. It has the potentials of spreading to other parts of the body. Common areas which the cancer may spread to include the lining of the abdomen, lining of the bowel and bladder, lymph nodes, lungs, and liver.The symptoms usually become noticeable as the cancer progresses.The symptoms include pelvic pain,abdominal bleeding among others. ‘Ovarian cancer accounts for about 3% of cancers among women, but it causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system’- America Cancer Society

The risk of having Ovarian cancer is high as female gets older.Ovulation factor like the numbers of time a woman ovulated in her life time, not ovulated in her life time,begins ovulation early in her life time or reach menopause very late are all high risks factors of the cancer. The chances of having ovarian cancer is reduced with breast feeding, hormonal birth control and tubal ligation.

The diagnosis of ovarian cancer is confirmed through a biopsy of tissue, usually removed during surgery.Most ovarian cancers are diagnosed at the advanced staged.

However, a recent studies reveal that annual blood test might help prevent deaths from ovarian cancer. A blood test of postmenopausal women with the new developed soft ware to analyze blood results may reduce the death by 20%.

“This is an important step forward in managing a disease that has a very poor prognosis,” said Dr. Ian Jacobs, a professor at University College London; lead researcher.

Enthusiastic about this development, they said “This is the first time that there has been evidence of a reduction in deaths from ovarian cancer through early detection by screening.It opens up the prospect that, in due course, a national screening program for ovarian cancer could become available alongside breast cancer and cervical cancer screening.”

(The full research were published online Dec. 17 in The Lancet.)

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