The filling of the lung with fluid instead of air -Bacterial Pneumonia

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An inflammation or swelling of the lungs as a result of bacterial infection is known as Bacterial pneumonia. The infection affects one section or the two sections of the lungs. The lungs are made up of three lobes on the right and two on the left. Pneumonia occurs when the air sacs become inflamed and thereby became filled with fluid. When the air sacs are filled with fluid instead of air, breathing becomes difficult which is serious medical condition.


Pneumonia is a disease condition that can be acquired either in the hospital or in the environment which depend greatly on the place where one is as at the time of the condition. It is mainly spread through coughing. The following are some of the causes of pneumonia are streptococcus pneumonia, haemophilus influenza, pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus.


Vulnerable group
People who smoke, those who are on chemotherapy with weakened immune system, those above age 65 years, severe medical condition like emphysema are at greater risk of developing bacterial pneumonia.


Chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, fatigue and tiredness, chills, pale look are some of the common symptoms of the condition.


Some of the complications associated with the condition are: Respiratory failure may arise when the oxygen level in the lungs is low or if carbon dioxide becomes too high. It may lead to inadequate breathing and may eventually make person stops breathing. Sepsis arises when an infection cause a great swelling reaction which may cause multiple organ failure that is life threatening. Pleural effusion arises when fluid builds up around the lung.

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This can be done with physical examination of the long by way of listening to sound of the lungs to know whether it is normal or otherwise. A chest X-ray may be done to examine fluid buildup in the lungs. Imaging tests like CT scan and an arterial blood gas to determine the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. This may be complemented with bronchoscopy to look into the lungs and also obtain a mucus sample.


Antibiotics medications are needed to combat the specific bacteria causing the infection, pain relieving drugs may also be used in addition to drugs that make breathing easy. There is also the need to have adequate rest as well as consumption of fluids unless otherwise instructed by a doctor and the need to complete the course of a treatment stage even if the symptoms have improved. Some critical condition may require admission in the hospital especially for those who may need oxygen, those who are highly dehydrated or needs breathing assistance with a ventilator.


The importance of nutrition in the prevention of bacterial pneumonia cannot be under estimated, eating good and healthy foods go a long way in preventing the disease condition. Regular washing of the hands and having adequate rest are other ways to prevent the disease condition. There is also the need to get vaccinated against the infection. The vaccine is usually recommended for adults over 65 and children between 6 weeks and 5 years.

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