Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common viruses infecting humans. It is sexually transmitted and highly infectious – many times more than HIV. It affects a high proportion of sexually active women and men, usually very soon after sexual debut. The peak incidence of HPV infection is 16 – 20 years of age. There are 40 different genotypes of HPV that can infect the genital area of men and women

HPV 16 and 18 genotypes are the most common high risk types and are associated with cervical cancer. It is also associated with other less common cancers: vulvar, vaginal, anal, opharyngeal carcinomas and dysplasia. HPV-associated cancers in males include certain anal, penile, and oropharyngeal carcinomas and dysplasia .HPV 6 and 11 genotypes are the most common low risk types associated with genital and respiratory tract warts (recurrent respiratory papillomatosis or RRP).

HPV affects muco-cutaneous part of the body. Anogenital HPV infections are transmitted skin-to-skin or mucosa-to-mucosa contact Penetrative sexual intercourse is not strictly necessary to become infected .HPV types can apparently be transferred to the cervix from original infection at the introitus .Condom use reduces the risk but are not fully effective in preventing HPV infection

Anyone who is sexually active is at risk of exposure to oncogenic HPV types

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