I don’t want to come back for a 3rd surgery. What do I do?

Question: I am on my 2nd pregnancy and 34w gone and have coexisting uterine fibroids. My 1st delivery was via caesarean section. I am asking my doctor to please remove the fibroids in the course of doing a repeat cs. He however has declined my request. I don’t want to come back for a 3rd surgery. What do I do?

Doctors Response: Doing a fibroid removal surgery (myomectomy) together with a caesarean section (caesarean myomectomy) increase the risk of hemorrhage which is a major cause of maternal mortality. Most obstetrician will therefore not consent to doing the 2 surgeries concurrently. You would be advised to come for a myomectomy at a later date. Some obstetrician will however remove the fibroid masses if they are in the line of their incision on the uterus.

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