Who Can Get Kidney Stones?

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Not as the name implies , the stone here is not the popular stones you know but an unwanted small particles like stone  in the kidney. It started accumulating bit by bit. Sometimes when we urinate, these crystal particles can be passed out but if not other particles will add to the existing ones to form the kidney stones. 

In cases of smaller stones blocking the route of the urine from the kidney  to the bladder there is no treatment required. It will be passed with urine. There may be temporary pain but as soon as it passes out there is relived. However larger stones could be troublesome. There could be a total block of the tube that carry urine resulting to severe pain which can last up to 60 minutes or more until the stone is removed medically.

Causes of Kidney stones

Calcium Level : Some major elements work together to balance the urine that you pass out. These elements are water, salts and minerals. Any changes in these elements will cause stones in the kidney. The level of calcium  can influence these changes. Majority of the kidney stones are formed due to changes in the calcium level of the urine.

Inadequate water consumption :Another causes of kidney stones is lack of adequate fluid. Failure to drink plenty water will affect the three elements which will become sticky and form stones.

Family history : This can run in the family. If any family member has it then the chances of getting it is high.

Hormonal imbalance :High production of parathyroid glands cause increase in calcium level which isn’t favorable to urine elements.

Medical conditions :Some medical conditions can cause kidney stones for instance inflammatory bowel disease and gout.

Climatic conditions like hot weather has been associated to increase the risk factor of kidney stones.

What can happen with Kidney Stones

An increased risk of urinary tract infection and also making an existing urinary tract infection worse.

It can damage the Kidney  if stones block the flow of urine out of both kidneys .A blocked urinary tract for two weeks or more will impact the kidney. People with one kidney or kidney transplant should try to avoid kidney  stones as it might damage the kidney if it is prolonged.

Types of Kidney stones

Struvite stones: This is common among women, often  as a result of urinary tract infections. A pregnant woman with Kidney stones should visit the doctor for possible safe medication.

Cystine stones:These are hereditary based with the kidney excreting huge cystinuria;a type of amino acids.

Uric acid stones: These are a byproduct of protein and fructose metabolism, and are commonly seen with gout. Reducing your protein and fructose consumption is essential for preventing and treating these types of stones. Adding  potassium citrate may also help prevent uric acid stones. Potassium reduces the acidity in urine and reduces calcium.

Calcium oxalate stones: These are the most commonnest type of kidney stones . It consitute 80% of all kidney stones cases. This type of stones are caused mainly by calcium(80%), other causes are insufficient water, high consumption of protein, processed salt consumption and high oxalate.

Oxalate Stones: Oxalate stones are mostly as a result of eating oxalating rich food  found in some fruits and vegetables, but your liver produces most of your oxalate.A person with oxalate stones will avoid eating oxalate rich foods. Consumption of magnesium becomes important as it helps to prevent calcium from interfering with the stones. Beer, soy, grapefruit  are also rich in oxalate and should be avoided.

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