Zika is spreading to many countries with El-Nino

Emobileclinic Health News

The fear of Zika Virus has crippled some activities in US. According to WHO, It is estimated that between 3million to 4 million people will be affected with the current Zika outbreak. Dr. margaret Chan; director general of WHO said the level of concern is as high as the exposure . Another official at the WHO said the Zika Virus circulate in ‘very high intensity ‘The virus which is caused by mosquito bite shows no symptoms on the infected but penetrate to cause neurological defects especially in fetuses and newborns.

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The virus which had been in existence since 1947 was first sighted in a monkey in Uganda. It was perceived to be a harmless infection before now. Over 4000 cases of babies with small heads (Microcephaly) had been reported in Brazil from last year till date.

This recent episode is the first in history of U.S and 32 cases have been reported so far. The infected pregnant women had travelled to the region where these mosquitoes thrive. Cases of Zika are seen in places like Arkansas, California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Texas, Virginia and District of Columbia.

No Medicine are presently available to treat Zika Virus. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said ‘that clinical trials on a vaccine could begin this year and some vaccines will be examined this weekend’. Some health givers are advising women not to get pregnant this year and next year since there is no present cure for Zika Virus. So many Airlines have also suspended travelling to the Zika outbreak regions. Some laboratories have also refused to accept blood donors from anyone who recently visited these regions until after 28 days.

It is also been envisaged that Zika is going to affect many more countries with El-Nino. “Meteorological factors certainly play an important role in determining the global range of the virus-transmitting Aedes (aegypti species of) mosquitoes and how competently they can transmit a virus,” said Andrew Monaghan, a research scientist at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. ‘El Nino can cause an “increase in vector-borne diseases including dengue, chikungunya and Zika virus due to increased mosquito vectors.”

Massive flooding and standing waters ‘are ideal mosquito breeding grounds and certainly have contributed to the rapid spread of the Zika viruses

‘The current El Nino episode began in mid-2015 and is tied with the 1997-98 El Nino for the strongest on record’

WHO recently warned African countries to anticipate El-Nino in 2016 till early 2017.

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