What alternative emergency contraceptive is readily available aside Postinor,especially in cases of repeated intercourse in a single cycle?

Question : What alternative emergency contraceptive is readily available aside Postinor,especially in cases of repeated intercourse in a single cycle?

Response : Emergency contraception (EC) is a ‘back up’ method that is used after sexual intercourse has taken place and before implantation occurs. EC should be considered if unprotected intercourse has occurred, if there has been failure of a barrier method e.g a burst condom, or if hormonal contraceptive has been forgotten.

A copper intrauterine device(IUD) can be inserted for EC and is highly effective. It can be inserted up to 5 days after the calculated earliest day of ovulation covering multiple episodes of intercourse in the same menstrual cycle. The IUD prevents implantation and the copper ions exert an embryo toxic effect. The normal contraindications to an IUD apply and, if there is a risk of sexually transmitted infection, antibiotic cover should be given. The Mirena has not been found to be effective for EC and should not be used as such.

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