Timing for sex to achieve pregnancy

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It is important to know that pregnancy is not only a sexual act but also an art, it involves special strategies to get it right at the right time and the time so desired. It is a common knowledge that to get pregnant, a man’s sperm must meet a woman’s egg; taking two to tangle. For most young couples under 35 years, this is a relatively easy process and pregnancy can usually result within one year of unprotected sex. For other couples, having sex to get pregnant becomes an herculean task, almost a hopeless situation, and this often requires help through fertility treatments to have a baby.

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The advances in fertility treatments are helping many couples conceive, but you should remember that many of these treatments require you to have sex to get pregnant.

Timing for sex to achieve pregnancy

The timing of the sex is important – the greatest chance of becoming pregnant occurs when you have sex during the most fertile time of a woman’s menstrual cycle, which is during ovulation (when an egg is released from a woman’s ovary). The egg lives for only about 24 hours after it is released, so it is important to have sex during ovulation and the time around ovulation. Many couples have difficulty becoming pregnant because they are not having enough regular sex when the woman is ovulating. Having sex when the woman is most fertile can help a couple’s chances of becoming pregnant.The most fertile time for a woman starts about 2 days before the ovulation day and ends about 2 days after the ovulation day. Figure out your most fertile time by keeping track of the average length of your menstrual cycle for a few months. The length of your menstrual cycle is the number of days from the first day of one period to the day before the next period begins.

To determine ovulation day, you count back 14 days from the start of your period. Since each woman is unique and may not have regular cycle lengths, it can be difficult to know the exact day of ovulation. The ovulation day you calculate is the day that ovulation will most likely occur, plus or minus 2 days. So, the most fertile time and the time to have sex is 2 days before the ovulation day and up to 2 days after this day.

This method can give you an idea of when ovulation occurs so that you know when to have sex.

During this fertile time, have sex every other day. Healthy sperm can live up to 5 days in a woman’s reproductive tract, so having sex daily is not necessary. In fact, having sex too often can reduce a man’s sperm count.

The most important action you can take while trying to get pregnant is to have sex regularly, especially around the time of ovulation. Ensure you have sex during non-ovulation times so that your sex life remains healthy and would not become mechanical or a scheduled chore.

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