The inflammation in the nose lining and paranasal sinuses-Nasal Polyps

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The growth of non-cancerous fleshy inflammations that developed in the lining of the nose and paranasal sinuses is generally referred to as nasal polyps. These polyps are pink or yellowish-brown in color and vary in size which may occur in both nostrils at the same time or at different times. It may lead to breathing difficulty and infections if the polyps are too big. The condition is prevalent among men than female and can affects anyone particularly young or middle-aged adults.


Blocked nose leading to sleep disorder or breathing difficulty
Runny nose with persistent cold feeling
Swollen nasal passages and sinuses
Obstruction of nasal passages and sinuses
Double vision
Absence or inadequate sense of smell
Poor sense of taste
Facial pains
Itchiness around the eyes
Breathe cessation during sleep

Predisposing factors
The development of fleshy swelling in the lining of the nose and the paranasal sinuses can be triggered by any of the following conditions:
Sensitivity to some medications such as aspirin
Cystic fibrosis
Churg-Strauss syndrome
Family history


The main cause of nasal polyp remains unknown. A number of conditions have been associated with the cause including non-allergic asthma, swelling in the nose or sinuses not linked to any disease, accumulation of fluid in the space between mucous-forming cells of the noses and sinuses, bacterial or viral infections, allergic reaction to immune response to fungi infections.

Cessation of breathe while asleep
Recurring sinus infections
Facial deformity leading to double vision

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The diagnosis involves the examination of the patient’s nose to check for the symptoms associated with the disease condition. Following this, the doctor may request for any of the following tests:

Nasal endoscopy
Imaging procedure such as CT scan
Allergic test involving skin prick
Cystic fibrosis test particularly for a young child.


The following are some of the treatment options for nasal polyps:
Using of steroids spray or nasal drop to reduce swelling especially in cases of small polyps. This may however lead to headache, nasal bleeding and sore throat.
Using of steroid tablets in addition to nasal spray to shrink larger polyps. However, this treatment option is associated with the risk of adding weight unnecessarily.
Using of antihistamines, antibiotics and antifungal medications to manage conditions that worsen nasal polyps.
Surgical procedure such as polypectomy which is used to remove polyps.


Avoid contact with irritants
Regular washing of hands with soap and water
Usage of nasal rinse to improve mucus flow
Receiving appropriate treatment for asthma and allergies

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