So Many Beliefs when it comes to Infertility!!!

  • Myths: Infertility is a women’s problem

Facts: This is untrue. It surprises most people to learn that infertility is a female problem in 35% of the cases, a male problem in 35% of the cases, a combined problem of the couple in 20% of cases, and unexplained in 10% of cases. It is essential that both the man and the woman be evaluated during an infertility work-up.

  • Myths: Many people and even doctors feel that a retroverted uterus in the woman causes infertility.

Facts: This is absolutely untrue myths: In most people after having intercourse the semen flows out and they think that is responsible for infertility

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Facts: This phenomenon is normal for all couples and is not any way the reason for infertility.

  • Myths: Everyone seems to get pregnant at the drop of a hat.

Facts: Every 1 in 10 couples experience infertility. When you seek support, you will find that you are not alone.

  • Myths: It’s all in your head! Why don’t you relax or take a vacation. Then you’ll get pregnant!

Facts: Infertility is a disease or condition of the reproductive system. While relaxing may help you with your overall quality of life, the stress and deep emotions you feel are the result of infertility, not the cause of it. Improved medical techniques have made it easier to diagnose infertility problems.

  • Myths: Don’t worry so much — it just takes time. You’ll get pregnant if you’re just patient.

Facts: Infertility is a medical problem that may be treated. At least 50% of those who complete an infertility evaluation will respond to treatment with a successful pregnancy. Some infertility problems respond with higher or lower success rates. Those who do not seek help have a “spontaneous cure rate” of about 5% after a year of infertility.

  • Myths: If you adopt a baby you’ll get pregnant!

Facts: This is one of the most painful myths for couples to hear. First it suggests that adoption is only a means to an end, not a happy and successful end in itself. Second, it is simply not true. Studies reveal that the rate for achieving pregnancy after adopting is the same as for those who do not adopt.

  • Myths: Maybe you two are doing something wrong!

Facts: Infertility is a medical condition, not a sexual disorder.

  • Myths: My partner might leave me because of our infertility.

Facts: The majority of couples do survive the infertility crisis, learning in the process new ways of relating to each other, which deepens their relationship in years to follow.

  • Myths: Perhaps this is God’s way of telling you that you two aren’t meant to be parents!

Facts: It is particularly difficult to hear this when you are struggling with infertility. You know what loving parents you would be, and it is painful to have to explain to others that you have a medical problem.

  • Myths: I shouldn’t take a month off from infertility treatment for any reason… I just know that this next month will be THE one!

Facts: It is important periodically to reassess your treatment and your parenting goal. Continuity in treatment is important, but sometimes a break can provide needed rest and renewal for the next steps.

  • Myths: I’ll be labeled a ‘trouble maker’ if I ask too many questions.

Facts: The physician/patient team is important. You need to be informed about what treatments are available. What is right for one couple may not be right for another, either physically, financially, or emotionally. Don’t be afraid to ask questions of your doctor. A second opinion can be helpful. If needed, discuss this option with your physician.

  • Myths: I’ve lost interest in my job, hobbies, and my friends because of infertility. No one understands! My life will never be the same!

Facts: Infertility is a life crisis — it has a rippling effect on all areas of your life. It is normal to feel a sense of failure that can affect your self-esteem and self-image. You will move through this crisis. It is a process, and it may mean letting go of initial dreams. Throughout this process, stay informed about the wide range of options and connect with others facing similar experiences.



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Article Source
‘Facts & Myths About Infertility’
Olive Branch Clinic




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