MG Presently making waves as STD, medical experts are advised to include it as part of STD watch list

Emobileclinic Health News

Bacteria mycoplasma genitalium (MG) is now an established  sexually transmitted infection. This was noticed in a study of 4,500 British residents age between 16 to 44 years  both male and female. 

MG hasn’t been of concern until recently and medical practitioners have been advised to watch out for this infection which has started transmitting among sexually active people with multiple partners.  The bacteria goes to infect the cervix, throat or anus  and the mucus membrane of the urethra. This infection has been associated with increase rate of infertility,ectopic pregnancy and preterm delivery  in women and inflammation of the urethra in male causing problems with semen and urine. 

Speaking on this recent development, a professor of epidemiology, Besty Foxman said that medical experts should start looking into studying this bacteria for earlier  diagnosis as he found the 1% presence of the infection in his new study of concern. 

The study shows that young girls between the age of 16 to 19 have the highest number of the infection in their group  (2.4%) while boys in that age range group were not infected. However male of age 25 to 34 were affected most with the infection while the  incidence of the infection declined in female after 19years.

Some of the reported symptoms are;

  • Penile irritation 

  • Inflammation 

  • Discharge with pain or odor 

  • Vaginal irritation 

  • Bleeding and or bleeding after sex

Just like every other sexually transmitted disease, it’s important to wear condom when having sex but is not a guarantee but it reduces the risk. MG has been included in the list of tests to be performed in US when there is a suspected case of STD. Antibiotics such as azithromycin works well for the  treatment of MG but in cases of the antibiotics resistance,  moxifloxacin is being experimented.



SOURCES: Betsy Foxman, Ph.D., professor, epidemiology, and director, Center for Molecular and Clinical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Philip Tierno, Ph.D., professor, microbiology and pathology, NYU School of Medicine, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York City; Nov. 3, 2015, International Journal of Epidemiology


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