I recently visited my partner who called me after I left that he just discovered he has Hepatitis. I am so scared and confused presently, what should I do?

I recently visited my partner who called me after I left that he just discovered he has Hepatitis. I am so scared and confused presently, what should I do?

Hepatitis is serious medical issue but dreadful as it is, Hepatitis A will not harm you. So it is important he tells you the type of Hepatitis that he has, this is necessary because the damaging effects vary from one type to another. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by drugs, alcohol and certain medical conditions. Mostly a viral infection and has three types A, B and C. Symptoms of hepatitis includes fatigue, nausea, poor appetite, belly pain, a mild fever or yellow skin or eyes i.e. jaundice. A chronic B and C might show no symptoms for years but they damage the liver by the time of discovery.

Hepatitis A is a very contagious and can spread easily. Many people might be infected at the same time but it causes no damage to the liver. It spreads by mere touching. Washing of hands should still continue, I will say. Nursing mothers should maintain a good hygiene and ensure those taking care of the babies wash their hands always especially after changing of diapers or use the toilet.

Hepatitis B might shows mild symptoms for a while and people infected might feel better while the virus still remains in the system. It can affect both infants and adult and it could be in the body for a life time leading to problems such as liver damage, liver failure and liver cancer. Hepatitis B can be gotten by kissing! I mean through contact with body fluids or blood of an infected person .It is mostly contacted through unprotected sex. A husband can easily infects his wife, and mother to the child.

Hepatitis C can actually be defeated. About a quarter of people infected with the virus overcome it, while the remaining carry it in their system for a long period causing liver failure and cancer. C is mostly gotten through contact with the infected blood. Common ways of contacting it are through sharing of needles, piercing of needle on the scarp while sewing weave on, used razor blade, sharing of instrument for piercing the nose or the ear etc.


A blood test can determine the presence of a viral Hepatitis. This is another test I think everyone must do, weighing all the risk factors.

What if you are tested positive

For the first time, try to be selfish to make sure no one gets infected through you!. Hepatitis A positive should maintain proper hygiene, B and C should ensure they protect their partners, let everyone who had been in touch be aware so that they can visit their doctor.

Treatment Options

Various treatment options are available. Hepatitis A will go on its own by taking enough fluids; water, juice, etc. B requires the thorough attention of the doctor as liver needs to be protected. The main treatment here is channeled towards the protection of the liver.


Cirrhosis is the major complications of Hepatitis. This causes a scar on the liver and makes it less functional. It is a life threatening situation and can cause liver failure. The symptoms include Fatigue, nausea, weight loss, swelling in the belly and legs, jaundice in most case and state of confusion.

Liver Cancer

Hepatitis B and C cause liver cancer and so requires that those affected be strictly monitored even if they feel well. A constant blood test to check the protein level as the availability suggests the presence of cancer. A CT scans, MRIs and even biopsy could be needed to determine tumor or cancer. Early discovery of the presence of Tumors will require a surgery but most cancers are difficult to treat.

Vaccine for Hepatitis A and B

There are vaccines for hepatitis A and B. All children between the ages of 12 to 24 months should take hepatitis A vaccine. Hepatitis B vaccine are recommended for children at birth. People already infected with either B or C can also take it if they have not been immune.


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