Adhesion and Infertility

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Adhesion also known as scar tissue blocks or distorts of the fallopian tubes. Female infertility most often is as a result of adhesions in or around the female reproductive organs; the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes or fimbriae. Adhesions act like glue, crippling the movement of the fimbriae or they may cling to the uterus making it difficult for the fertilized egg to implant.

Causes of Adhesions

Infection or trauma

Blocked fallopian tubes

Severe endometriosis

Scarring from multiple surgical procedures

Pelvic inflammatory disease 

Ruptured ovarian cysts

Bowel or bladder disease or tubal damage

Where can Adhesions form?

Adhesions can be found between any two tissue surfaces in the pelvic cavity. These include the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bowel, and bladder. Adhesions may also be found inside the fallopian tubes. Endometriosis or tubal surgery may cause adhesions to form inside the fallopian tube, on the outer surface of the tube, or even on the ends of the fallopian tube called the “fimbria”. These fimbria, which act like fingers to sweep the egg into the tube, become stuck together and can’t move to get the egg into the tube when it is released during ovulation. Any tubal adhesions which block or distort the tube can lead to infertility or increase the chance of an ectopic pregnancy.

Removing adhesions

Removal of adhesions is done using laparoscopy or laparotomy with traditional or microsurgical techniques. Studies have shown that removal of adhesions can reduce pain and can potentially improve the possibility of conceiving, versus no treatment at all. However adhesions may reform after they have been removed.

Conditions that can increase the risk of adhesion formation


Tubal surgery

Ovarian cyst removal


Adhesions removal itself

Laparoscopic surgery



Diagnostic hysteroscopy

Diagnostic laparoscopy

Measures to reduce the risk of developing adhesions

Microsurgery or laparoscopic techniques

Prevention of infection

Use of adhesion barriers such as gauze-like materials placed over the tissue which dissolves to become a gelatinous layer to reduce the incidence of post-operative adhesions. 

Adhesion and Infertility

Almost half of all female infertility can be attributed to adhesions which cause poor reproductive function. Now, using a new type of treatment, adhesions are decreased and reproductive organ and gland function increased without the use of drugs or surgery.

This treatment has been shown to be very successful in women diagnosed with premature ovarian failure, ‘old eggs’, or high FSH levels. The results of the therapy appear to last for a long time in many women, rather than one cycle, which is most common when fertility treatments are used.


Pelvic physical therapy has been used to achieve a very high full term natural pregnancy rate for women who had previously been diagnosed as infertile.  As a natural, non-invasive, drug-free treatment, this technique has proven to be effective, assisting women to conceive naturally, despite previous infertility diagnoses.

Medical and surgical infertility treatments, such as GIFT and IVF essentially bypass the malfunction between the ovaries and the uterus and can be successful for one menstrual cycle. Some ART techniques last longer, but overall, the treatments go month to month. Pelvic physical therapy, because it breaks down adhesions and promotes normal organ function, lasts a long time.


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