A condition where a man develops big breast like woman- Gynecomastia

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Gynecomastia often referred to as a condition where man develops  boobs; very common in men and boys. The breasts swell and become abnormally large. Gynecomastia is more common in newborn males, boys during puberty, and older men. In the vast majority of cases, gynecomastia is not a serious problem. However, it may be psychologically difficult to cope with. Apart from affecting self-confidence and causing embarrassment, some men and boys may also experience pain in their breasts.
It s important to note that gynecomastia is not caused by extra fat from being overweight. It is caused by extra breast tssue. So, doing exercise or losing weight will not get rid of it. There are other conditions, such as pseudogynecomastia, in which fat builds up in the breasts, and are sometimes associated with being overweight or obese

Signs and symptoms

Swelling of the breast gland tissue
Tenderness of breast
Increase in diameter of the areola


Testosterone and estrogen hormonal imbalance
Alcohol abuse
Liver disease
Radiation treatment of the testicles
Infections or lumps in the testicles
A cyst
Lipoma (benign tumor composed of body fat)
Mastitis – inflammation of breast tissue
Breast cancer
Hematoma – a solid swelling of clotted blood
Metastasis – cancer that originated elsewhere in the body and has spread to the breast
Fat necrosis – a lump that forms as a result of damage to fatty breast tissue
Hamartoma – a benign tumor-like growth


The physician will examine the breast tissue, as well as the genitals and abdomen. If the doctor determines that it is caused by a hormone imbalance, as may be the case during puberty, and the gynecomastia appears typical for a teenage boy, the patient will be told not to worry and that it will all go away within about a year.

If the breast lump is abnormally large, tender, one-sided, or fixed and hard, further investigation will probably be required, including a biopsy. If the man has an unusual lump in one breast only, the doctor needs to know whether there is a family history of breast cancer.

The doctor may order some blood tests and a mammogram. Depending on the results, further tests may be ordered, including:

X-rays of the chest
CT (computerized tomography) scan
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging scan)
Ultrasound scan of the testicles
Tissue biopsy

Treatment options

Naturally, it is self correcting but if this does not happen, the following may be done:
Hormone therapy to block the effects of estrogens, or breast reduction surgery.
Medications : tamoxifen – a drug that blocks the action of the female hormone estrogen in the body.
Testosterone replacement

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