Inadequate clotting factor in the body- Hemophilia


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Hemophilia is a congenital bleeding disorder characterized with absence of adequate levels of certain proteins known as clotting factor which often resulted in the improper clotting of blood in the body which eventually lead to profuse bleeding.

There are 13 types of clotting factors whose work is to assist the platelets to clot blood. Hemophilia is a serious medical emergency requiring prompt medical attention. It is an inherited genetic condition.



Hemophilia arises when there is a sudden collapse of the coagulation cascade which is responsible for arresting any bleeding in the body. A low level of these clotting factors or the absence of them makes bleeding to continue.



There are three types of hemophilia, namely hemophilia A, B, and C.
The commonest form of hemophilia is the type A which is caused by a deficiency in factor VIII.
Hemophilia B often referred to as Christmas disease is primarily caused by a deficiency of factor IX.
Hemophilia C is a mild form of the disease that is caused by a deficiency of factor XI.



Bloody urine and stool
Deep bruises
Big and idiopathic bruises
Profuse bleeding
Regular bleeding from the nose
Bleeding gums
Joint pains
Tighten joints
Irritability especially in children


Seeking Medical Help

It is advisable to seek prompt medical assistance if there is any of the following symptoms:
Recurring bloody vomits
Pain in the neck
Impaired or blurred vision
Severe headache
Prolong sleep
Prolong bleeding from an injury


Risk Factors

Hemophilia A and B are more common in males than females as a result of genetic transmission. Hemophilia C is an autosomal inherited form of the disease, meaning that it affects both males and females on equal proportion.

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The diagnosis can be made through the use of blood test to measure the level of clotting factor in the body.


Possible Complications

Damage to the joints as a result of recurring bleeding
Deep internal bleeding
Neurological symptoms from bleeding within the brain
Risk of developing infections such as hepatitis when you are transfused with donor blood that is not properly screened.


Treatment options

Desmopressin hormone injection may be given to stimulate the clotting factors in the blood.
Hemophilia B by may be treated by infusing your blood with donor clotting factors.
Plasma infusion may be adopted as treatment option for hemophilia, the infusion works to stop profuse bleeding.
Engage in physical therapy for rehabilitation in the case of damaged joints as a result of hemophilia.

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