In an effort to reduce the maternal and new born mortality rate, WHO released some checklists which reflect the major causes of maternal and newborn deaths in health facilities around the time of birth, typically within the first 24 hours after childbirth. It was evident that most of these deaths are preventable. According to WHO data , ‘more than 130 million births occurring each year, and about 303,000 result in the mother’s death, 2.6 million in stillbirth, and another 2.7 million in a newborn death within the first 28 days of birth. ‘The majority of these deaths occur in low-resource settings, often lacking skilled birth attendants’.

The check list after being developed and tested in partnership with Ariadne Labs, a joint center of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, synthesizes existing evidence-based on WHO guidelines and emphasis adequate communication around the time of delivery. ‘The checklist identifies 4 pause points each corresponding to a specific period in a health worker’s normal flow of work: when the mother is admitted, just before pushing (or before Caesarean section), within 1 hour after birth and before the mother and newborn are discharged. These pause points allow birth attendants to make their “checks” at times when they can not only protect the mother and newborn against dangerous complications, but also at the most convenient times in their work flow. For example, during the “soon after birth” phase, the birth attendant should check to make sure the mother is not bleeding abnormally or does not have an infection and that she has started breast feeding and skin-to-skin contact. During the “before discharge” phase, the birth attendant should confirm that the mother and newborn have stayed at the facility at least 24 hours after delivery, the mother’s blood pressure is normal and the baby is feeding well as stated in the check list.

In the same regards, WHO launched the Safe Childbirth Checklist Collaboration to explore the viability and practical use of the tool in diverse settings around the world? Within the time frame of 3 years about 29 countries registered and participated in this check list which was obtained from various experiences and practices around the 29 countries.

Presently Better birth (a random control trial) is still on going in 100 centers in India with the objectives of trying and measuring the impact of the checklist-based intervention on maternal, fetal, and newborn survival; and severe maternal harm. The trial will be completed in 2017.

Reason Behind the Check list

  • To ensure every birth are carried out by skilled attendant and to sensitize women to deliver in health facilities.
  • To ensure that the aim of Sustainable Development Goals from 2016-2030, to reduce maternal and newborn deaths are meant. The goal among others include substantially reduction of global maternal and newborn deaths.
  • By agreeing to the SDM, world leaders have shown that the health of women, children and adolescents’ are top priorities,” said Dr Flavia Bustreo, WHO Assistant Director-General for Family, Women’s and Children’s Health. This they hope to achieve with the child birth list and thereby improve the quality of health care of both mother and child.
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