Sudden swollen bladder- Acute cystitis

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Acute cystitis is a sudden inflammation in the tissue lining of the bladder which is prominent in women because of shorter urethras than men. It is caused by a bacterium escherichia coli.



The most common symptoms are incessant urination, dysuria, offensive urine smell, cloudy urine, fever and chill abdominal and back pains as well as fullness of bladder.


The most common cause of acute cystitis is an infection of the bladder caused by the bacteria escherichia coli which enters the urethra and move to the bladder. Other factors that cause the bladder are use of some medications like the chemotherapy drugs, radiation treatment, prolong use of catheter, reactions to some products like spermicidal jellies, feminine hygienic spray, as well as some associated complications of certain diseases conditions like diabetes, enlarged prostate, kidney stones.


Risk factors

The most vulnerable people to developing acute cystitis are the women because the shortness of their urethra and its close proximity to the anal area which can host harmful bacteria. In addition to this, usage of diaphragms and spermicidal agents, engaging in multiple unprotected sexual activity, vaginal douche especially from the back towards the front, congenital urinary defect, low level of estrogen, kidney stones, enlarged prostate, prolong use of antibiotics, pregnancy, long use of catheter as well as being diabetic are some of the factors that increase the risk of developing acute cystitis.



The symptoms will form the basis of the diagnosis. Common diagnostic mechanism includes urinalysis to check for bacteria in the blood cell, urine culture to identify the exact bacteria, cystoscopy to check the signs of the inflammation, imaging tests to find if the cause of the swollen bladder is tumor or any structural abnormality.

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Use of antibiotics for three to ten days if the cystitis is caused by a bacterial infection with the symptoms fading off within a day or two.
Use of urinary tract pain reliever for the first couple of days to help reduce the discomfort while the antibiotics take effect.
Identify and avoid using any substances that you are allergic or sensitive to.


Complications associated with acute cystitis

There is need to seek medical attention when you have any of the symptoms of a kidney infection. The symptoms of a kidney infection which include flank pain, fever, nausea and vomiting as well as chill. Although, most cases of acute cystitis are treatable with antibiotics, some may require advanced medical intervention to successfully cure it.



These tips can assist in preventing the risk of bacteria entering the urethra and irritation of the urinary tract:
Drinking lot of water to aid frequent urination and also to flush out bacteria from the urinary tract before an infection begins.
Urinate immediately after sexual intercourse.
Wipe from front to back after a bowel movement to prevent bacteria from spreading to the urethra from the anal region.
Do not use feminine products near the genital area that can irritate the urethra, such as douches, deodorant sprays, and powders.
Cultivate the habit of personal hygiene and wash your genitals every day.
Take showers instead of baths.
Do not use birth control methods that can lead to bacterial growth
Urinate immediately you have the urge.
Applying heating pad to the abdomen.
Avoiding intake of coffee, citrus juice, spicy food and alcohol.

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