Is there any risk of getting pregnant quite early? – Teenage pregnancy

Emobileclinic Trending Topic: Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy of a woman who is 19 years of age or younger. Although, any woman can get pregnant if she has vaginal sex with a man at any age after she has started having regular monthly periods.Most cases teens aren’t ready for motherhood when such happens and they still want to carry on with their social life throughout pregnancy. Most teen pregnancy could have been avoided if proper sex education are in place. Most of the teens are not aware of various contraceptives and its accessibility. Most are shy to buy it over the counter. There are certain risks of getting pregnant at this age and such risks include;

Pregnancy-related high blood pressure (preeclampsia)

 Premature birth and low birth weight. 

 The kidneys of mother or baby may be damaged.

higher chance of becoming anemic

School drop out

Susceptible to poverty

Fathering a child as a teenager can be a frightening and life-changing event. Teen fathers don’t have to worry about the health implications of pregnancy and childbirth, but they could face similar difficulties staying in school and earning a living.

Pregnancy Options

Teens who become pregnant may be afraid to see a doctor, but it is extremely important for the safety of the mother and the unborn child. Your doctor should discuss all options with you regarding your pregnancy, including abortion (ending the pregnancy medically), adoption (giving birth and legally permitting someone else to raise your child), or giving birth and raising the child yourself. Ideally, the future father and family members of both mother and father will be involved in making the best decisions, but this is not always possible. Birth control clinics and public health offices can provide counseling information to help you make the right choices for you and your baby.

Teenage pregnancy and the health of the baby

Teen moms can have healthy babies. Make sure you see your doctor as soon as you know you’re pregnant, and attend all your scheduled appointments. Proper obstetrical care throughout your pregnancy is so important to the health and well-being of both the mother and the baby. Eat well, exercise, and confide in supportive friends and family members.

Cigarette smoking during pregnancy has been shown to lower birth weight and cause babies to be born prematurely. You should not smoke during pregnancy.

Drugs and alcohol can have very damaging effects on a mother and her unborn child. Do not drink alcohol or use illicit drugs during pregnancy. If you think you might be addicted to drugs or alcohol, ask your doctor about counseling and treatment programs to help you quit.

Only take the medicines your doctor prescribes. Make sure your doctor knows about any over-the-counter medicines you are taking.

It is important for all pregnant women to get proper medical care regardless of how old they are. But because teens’ bodies are still developing, seeing a doctor regularly is especially important for teen mothers.

Antenatal care

During the first six months, you will probably have an appointment at least once every month. In the last months of your pregnancy, you may see the doctor every other week, ending with weekly visits in your final month. These visits are to make sure you and your baby are healthy.

See your doctor right away if you have:

any vaginal bleeding

severe or continuous headache

dimness or blurring of vision

abdominal pain

persistent vomiting

chills or fever

pain or burning during urination

leaking of fluid from your vagina

swelling or pain in your legs

Preventing Teenage Pregnancy

The only way to be sure you won’t get pregnant is not to have sexual intercourse. However, there are many methods to reduce your chances of becoming pregnant if you are sexually active.

Prescription Birth Control

An IUD is a device a doctor implants in your uterus. Hospitalization is not required. The IUD prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus. Several birth control methods affect hormone levels in your body, so you’re less likely to get pregnant. The most effective is a birth control implant, a very small plastic stick that is inserted under the skin of your arm. Implants stay in place for up to three years. 

Over-the-Counter Birth Control

You can also buy over-the-counter birth control at a drugstore and some supermarkets. These methods are not as effective as prescription birth control, but they do reduce your chance of getting pregnant.


Teen pregnancy rates have been dropping in the United States for at least 20 years. Experts think this is because more sexually active teens use condoms. Proper use of a condom can keep you from getting pregnant. Condoms also protect you from many sexually transmitted diseases when used correctly. 


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