Is Breast Cancer Peculiar to Only Female?

Emobileclinic Trending Issue :In the Light of World Cancer Day


Breast cancer is one out of the numerous cancers that affect human body. Cancer signals abnormalities in the cells and will occur any where this takes place. Breast cancer begins in the cells of the breast. The cells suddenly starts acting funny and refuse to behave normally. Breast cancer   can spread to other parts of the body if is not discovered early. Early detection play a major role in the management of any cancer . It mostly affect female but male can sometimes have breast cancer. Male breast cancer accounts for 1% of all cases of breast cancer. It occurs most time to elderly men between the ages of 60 to 70.

The risk increases if there are female members in the family with history of breast cancer. Too much exposure to radiation and high level of estrogen can cause male breast cancer. Breast cancer is curable at the early stage before it becomes metastatic. Most common early sign is the lump in the breast, but not all lumps are cancerous.


Created for the National Cancer Institute,

A persistent lump after menstrual cycle should not be taken lightly as is usually the first symptoms of breast cancer. Other symptoms are;

  • A swell under the armpit

  • Pain in the breast

  • A sudden mark on the breast as a result of the presence of tumor

  • A change in colour and size of the breast. It might be reddish or orange in colour

  • Nipple also show signs like rashes, itches, burning sensation

  • Breast discharge

Test to detect Breast Cancer

  • Regular Self-examination of the breast will help in early detection of breast cancer.

  • A mammogram can also be used to detect breast cancer. This is an x-ray of the breast that picks abnormalities.

  • A biopsy can also be performed. The cells are examined to see if they are cancerous. There is minimal invasive biopsy which is done using a needle rather than surgery.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging can also be used.

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Treatments of Breast cancer (Stage 0- Stage IV)

At stage 0-2 surgery is the option here which will either entail the removal of the affected breast (mastectomy) or the removal of the tumor (lumpectomy).Radiation therapy can eliminate the remaining left out cells. Management of cancer after surgery is by chemotherapy. Drugs are given to attack cells especially with large tumor removal. Targeted therapy helps to stop the growth of protein (HER2) when found to be present in a cancer patients after surgery. Protein spreads the cells faster so the therapy targets it. Hormone therapy is used for tumor caused by hormone. This therapy will help women with hormone receptor.

At stage III, the cancer has spread all over the breast and chemo is needed first to reduce the size of the tumor before the surgery.

At stage IV, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body and chemo alone will help to reduce the pace of the cancer growth. Hormone therapy and targeted therapy will be helpful as well.


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