High Blood Pressure and the effects on Kidney

High Blood Pressure and the effects on Kidney

High blood pressure is a medical condition that is affecting both teenagers and adults.High pressure signifies the rise pressure of the blood in the blood vessels which can be controlled to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.it has no warning signs and that is why is cailed a silent killer.


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The Effects

It causes kidney disease and kidney failure. It is the number one causes of the both.

It damages the blood vessels and filters in the kidney, thus making removal of waste from the body difficult. A person with an end state renal disease will need another blood cleansing process like dialysis. A complete kidney transplant may also be needed in a worst case.

The symptoms of kidney disease include:

  • Decrease in amount of urine or difficulty urinating

  • High/worsening blood pressure

  • Edema (fluid retention), especially in the lower legs

  • A need to urinate more often, especially at night

Kidney disease can be diagnosed by tests like serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN); elevated levels of either can indicate kidney damage. Proteinuria, an excess of protein in the urine, is also a sign of kidney disease. Anyone with uncontrolled high blood pressure is at risk of kidney disease. Kidney disease caused by high blood pressure affects every group and race. Anyone with diabetes is equally at risk of liver problem. Also anyone with a family history of high blood pressure and kidney disease is at major risk.

Prevention of kidney disease can be achieved by controlling your high blood pressure. A regular check of BP will go a long way .There are now various BP checker which enables you to check your BP by yourself. (Get in touch with site admin if you need one) A proper diet less of salt will keep your BP under check. A daily exercise such as walking for about 25 to 30 minutes is advisable. Most importantly, don’t miss out your medical prescription.

Treatment of high blood pressure is a good way to ensure your kidney disease is treated (for high blood pressure related cause), and this can be achieved by maintaining a healthy life style. The use of ACE inhibitor and angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) drugs lower blood pressure and can protect the kidneys from further damage.


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