Do you know about P.H.D of obstetrics? Pain, Hemorrhage & Discharge?

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Emobileclinic Reporter: Femi Fayomi


Vaginal discharge is a known condition in any grown woman who has attained the age of puberty. It is the whitish liquid that is produced in the uterus and is excreted through the vagina. This helps to maintain a healthy and lubricated vagina.

Vaginal discharge increases in pre-menstrual period, during ovulation, sexual activities, pregnancy and when emotionally stressed. A normal vaginal discharge is free of offensive smell and without pain. However, a constant thick and sticky discharge, with a strong and foul smell, irritation and genital itching, sustained fatigue and discomfort with calf’s pain is an indication of an abnormal vagina discharge known as Leucorrhoea. Dr. Julian, professor and Head of department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Howard University, tied leucorrhea to pain, hemorrahage and discharge. According to him, this is the ‘P.H.D’ of obstetrics. Prof described the colour of the discharge as ‘bluish white …yellow or greenish yellow from pus and bacteria, chocolate colour from old blood or blood-coloured from fresh blood’ all these depend on the composition of the leucorrhea.


Dr. Sharma in his article of management of leucorrhoea identified the following as causes of leucorrhoea in different age groups

Before puberty:

  1. Un-hygienic conditions.

  2. Worms: oxyuris vermicularis or thread worms.

  3. Gonorrhoea.

Unmarried girls after puberty

  1. Bad hygienic conditions during menses or otherwise

  2. Constipation.

  3. Sedentary habits

  4. Anemia.

  5. Any long continued chronic disease.

  6. Congenital erosion of cervix.

In the married women:

  1. Bad hygienic conditions.

  2. Gonorrhea

  3. Trichomonas vaginalis

  4. Displace uterus retroversion.

  5. Cancer of all types.

  6. Long continued use of pessaries.

  7. Chronic cervicitis or erosion.

  8. Repeated and excessive intercourse.

  9. Birth control measure.

  10. Chronic health.

After menopause

  1. Cancer of vulva.

  2. Cancer of uterus.

  3. Cancer of cervix.

  4. Leukoplakic vulvitis.

  5. Prolapse and decubitic ulcer.

  6. Gonorrhea.

  7. Chronic cervicitis.

  8. Trichomonas vaginalis

  9. Fungus infection

  10. Chronic ill-health

According to Prof Julian, 60% of leucorrhea are as a result of chronic infective endocervicitis which is very easy to diagnose but ‘physician are constantly challenged for satisfactory result’. He believes the majority of leucorrhea is postpartum and post-abortal.

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Treatment for leucorrhoea according to Prof are in stages. He spoke about the use of ionization with 2% copper sulfate or zinc sulfate solution as an effective treatment for leucorrhoea. He says if ‘the cervicitis is mild (six weeks to 10 weeks postpartum) with little or no cervical erosion, Nabothian cysts or enlarged cervix’ .The copper or zinc is to be applied for 6 to 10 minutes. The procedure is advised to be repeated for 5 days. However if the cervix isn’t mild but moderate to severe ’10 to 12 weeks or longer with cervical erosion, Nabothian cysts or enlarged cervix there is need for the use of ‘chronic acid’ which has been proven to be highly effective. He advised that treatments such as sturmdorf, electrocauterization and electroconization of the cervix should be used after menopause.

Ladyhealth appears to have another treatment alternative with the use of herbs. According to her, leucorrhoea can be treated and managed naturally with some fruits which include Pomegranates, Rice starch and Guava to name just a few. In her recently published herbal use, she explains the use of these products as follows:

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Pomegranates leaf is highly medicinal and its medical value is useful in the treatment of Leucorrhoea. 30 fresh pomegranates leaves are to be grounded with 10 peppercorns and mix with half glass of water. The product should be taken twice daily.

Rice Starch is another natural means of treating Leucorrhoea. This process involves boiling rice, keeping the strained aside and drinking it small doses for a while.

Guava is also useful in the management of Leucorrhoea. Guava leaf will be boiled with a liter of water until is reduced to half litre. The water should be used to douche the vagina twice daily until it is cured.

What I think is missing in Ladyhealth’s treatment option are data of people who have used her herbal recommendations. Quite aware some many people are turning to herb use which is good, but detailed outcome of treatment effectiveness should be published as what is seen is believing especially when researches are coming with the same results.

From the foregoing, it must be emphasized that medical care is required in the case of acute infection. The infected person should visit a specialist for treatment and management.

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