Common symptoms of miscarriage

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One of the causes of loss of pregnancy is miscarriage which usually occurs in the second trimester or before 20th week of pregnancy. Having a detailed knowledge on the signs and symptoms of miscarriage is important for pregnant women. While some of the signs and symptoms are easily discern, other are complicated and confused with other pregnancy symptoms.

Pregnancy and its symptoms are unique. It differs from one woman to another and from one pregnancy to another. Knowing the signs of miscarriage at the beginning may be helpful in preventing the miscarriage and possibly avert future miscarriages from occurring. The common signs of miscarriage are discussed in the following paragraphs.

One of the common symptoms of miscarriage is cramping. This cramp may be characterized with pain usually experience by pregnant woman, the pain may be mild or severe occurring at the back. If this back ache is followed with bleeding, it is a critical sign of intending miscarriage.

Vaginal bleeding is another indicator of a possible miscarriage. Although, there will be bleeding at some point in 70 percent of all pregnancies, however, a bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy is the number one sign of a possible miscarriage. Spotting is quite different from bleeding; a spot may be a blood stain on the body while bleeding involves excessive loss of blood from the vagina. A brown spotting or faint pink spotting with mucus is far less a concern that red bleeding like a menstrual period there is need to seek medical examination for a proper assessment.

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Closely related to the above sign of miscarriage is a sudden disappearance of common pregnancy symptoms or there is a reduction in pregnancy symptoms. When there is increasing loss of weight, lack of nausea, no breast tenderness or morning sickness, it could be possible pointer to miscarriage.

Furthermore, severe back pain that originates in the lower abdomen and pelvic area and moves to the lower back in addition to bleeding and cramping is a warning sign of miscarriage. It is not all backache that is related to miscarriage. Also, low abdominal pain could be a sign of miscarriage too.

More importantly, when there is severe vaginal pressure or low pelvic pressure suggesting of a weak cervix could also be a sign of miscarriage. This is more confirmed if the sensation is stronger when you stand and better when you lie down and if it is followed with high vaginal discharge or watery vaginal discharge.

In addition to the above, if the woman begins to have painful labour contractions on or before 20 weeks of pregnancy for two to three times within an hour is a serious sign of miscarriage. This requires immediate consultation with medical doctor.

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