Causes and symptoms of short stature


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Short stature is a medical disorder characterized with shortness in height compare to the average height expected of that person’s age. It is often referred to as dwarfism and restricted growth.
Sign and Symptoms

Evidence of slow growth
Delayed sexual development in the teen years
Widen neck and small lower jaw
Low rear head hairline
Broaden chest
Short hands
Inflammation of the arms and feet particularly at birth
Shorten trunk
Bowed legs
Pain and numbness in the knees, legs and hips
Sleep apnea
Shorter limbs
Flattened cheekbones

The major cause of short stature is being born by short parents
Insufficient human growth hormone
Recurring illness
Turner syndrome (girls)
Genetic mutation
Diastrophic dysplasia
It requires primarily proper and detailed physical examination of the person by a medical doctor if there is short stature disorder. Insulin tolerance test may also be ordered. There is also the need to measure the height, weight and head circumference at each hospital visit.
Chromosome analyses may also be done
Taking family history will enable the medical doctor to find out the average height of family members and ascertain if short stature exists in family line.
Urine tests may be done to look for enzyme deficiency disorders.
Imaging technology tests/scans such as X-rays to reveal possible abnormalities of the skeleton and skull.
The magnetic resonance imaging scan may be ordered to reveal problems with the pituitary gland or hypothalamus which have a role to play in hormone function.
Bone marrow or skin biopsies can also be done to reveal associated conditions with short stature.
Treatment options
The treatment options depend on the causes of the short stature. Generally, the treatment involves a multidisciplinary approach.

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One of the treatment options is by given human growth hormone injections especially for children with deficiency in growth hormones.

Leg lengthening is another treatment option involving the breaking of the leg bone and then fixed into a special frame which is adjusted on daily basis in order to lengthen the bone.

Insertions of metal staples at both ends of the long bone to help the bone grows in right direction is another available treatment option.

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