Absence of an external vaginal opening- Vaginal Obstruction

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It is a very rare medical condition in female infants. At birth, female babies have a thin membrane (hymen) that surrounds the vaginal opening. A congenital vaginal blockage is when there is the absence of an external vaginal opening.


Imperforate hymen
High transverse septum


Hydrocolpos: an abnormal swelling of the vagina
Hydrometrocolpos: abnormal swelling of both the vagina and uterus


Mostly found in a newborn, and at times during puberty. It can be diagnosed through the use of:
Collection of dye for X-ray examination

In the absence of abdominal lump or urinary symptoms, the obstruction could only be identified at puberty stage. At puberty, the following will be occurring:
Inability to pass blood during period in-spite of regular ovulation
Cyclical abdominal pain


It depends on the cause of the vaginal obstruction.
Imperforate hymen can be treated with a simple incision that does not require anesthesia. Once drainage occurs, the anatomy should be examined for other abnormalities.

High transverse septum, treatment will depend on its thickness and location. The partition in the lower third of the vagina, the surgeon can cut upwards to remove it, reconnecting the upper and lower vagina. If it is located more to the interior, the patient may require an approach in which either skin or part of the intestine is used to bridge the gap between the upper and lower vagina. However, a cesarean section may be recommended if the abnormality is a high transverse septum, which requires extensive surgical repair.
Any risk of infertility?
With a normal reproductive tract, there will be no infertility problem. Once the obstruction is corrected or repaired, the girl she would have a normal and enjoyable sex life.


See also  Genital bleeding in young girls who have not reached puberty

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