The effects of Depression on the body

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There are moment which gladdens one heart and makes one free relax and happy, however, there also exist times when one is down or sober in reflection to negative happenings that sadden one and makes the heart worry. Each of these periods is normal in life. However, clinical depression does interfere with the ability to function optimally.

Depression affects ones perception, thought, actions or inactions and capable of causing changes in the whole body. Chronic depression is a serious medical condition that has a significant effect on the quality of life. Depression knows no bound as it is a worldwide health issue. Anyone with depression normally develops other health issues which are often referred to as major depressive illness or clinical depression.


This health condition shows some easily ignorable symptoms, this becomes especially difficult to detect in children, who are unable to articulate their symptoms, or in older adults, who do blame the symptoms on aging. Generally, excessive sadness, grief, sorrow, feeling guilt feeling, excessive tiredness, difficulty in sleeping, anger with or without being provokes, irritability, loss of interest in pleasurable things, low sex drive in adult, hopelessness, unexplained crying, memory loss, lack of capacity to make decision, lack of concentration are some of the leading symptoms of depression. In children, the symptoms of depression include clinginess, worry, and unwillingness to attend school, excessively irritable.


Complications associated with Depression

Some of the associated complications of depression are headaches, chronic body aches, pain that may not respond to medication, obesity-related illness like type 2 diabetes and some eating problems like stomachaches, cramps, constipation, or malnutrition. Depression and stress are closely related with stress hormones speeding the heart rate and make blood vessels tighten, putting the body in a prolonged state of emergency and subsequently lead to heart disease.
Recurrent cardiovascular problems are also linked to depression than to smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. Unfortunately, depression increases the risk of dying after a heart attack while heart disease also triggers for depression. It also has a negative impact on the immune system, making one highly vulnerable to infections and diseases. If depression is left untreated, it may also cause death.

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