What the presence of mucus in your stool signifies

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Mucus in the body is natural and a very important part of how the body works. It is produced by the tissues to line and protect the mouth, nose, sinuses, throat, lungs, and gut. It is usually clear and thin. However, illness, diet, or environmental factors can sometimes increase mucus consistency. Mucus can even change in color. A sinus infection is highly responsible for increased mucus in people. They may notice when the mucus in a tissue after blowing their nose is a greenish color.

The function of the mucous membrane of the large intestine is to pass stool. A normal bowel movement will not produce much mucus. Yellow or clear mucus is present in such little amounts that the naked eye would not notice it.

The presence of mucus in the stool that becomes visible to the naked eye is a sign of bacterial infections, anal fissures, a bowel obstruction, or Crohn’s disease. This type of warning sign is the body’s way of saying stop, look, and listen. Increased amounts of mucus Blood or pus in the stool Stomach pain, cramping, or bloating Sudden changes in stool frequency, consistency, or color.

Dehydration Constipation
Bacterial infections Anal fissures and ulcers Irritable bowel syndrome Bowel obstruction Diet: food allergies Bloating Diarrhea Rashes

Following complaint from patient, the doctor will order for a stool sample to detect parasites, bacteria, and other illnesses.
A stool sample may not be needed, however after an initial physical examination, the doctor may request blood samples before a stool test. This whole-body approach makes it easier to detect what may be going on. Colonoscopy, endoscopy, or even a CT may be necessary to diagnose and treat the problem correctly.

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Use of antibiotics and adequate rest will help to pass and heal the symptoms.
Change in eating habits to lessen the chances of catching a bug again especially in the case with food allergy.
Prescriptive medication and ongoing treatment will need to be taken in cases like the Crohn’s disease and some other gut-related diseases. Surgery may be required for those with anal fissures and rectal ulcers.

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