Any other fertility treatment apart from IVF?

Emobileclinic Trending Topic : Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

One of the assisted reproductive technology strategies in the management of infertility is intrauterine insemination (IUI).Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the placing of sperm into a woman’s uterus when she is ovulating. This procedure is used for couples with unexplained infertility, minimal male factor infertility, ejaculation dysfunction and women with cervical mucus problems.IUI is not recommended for the following patients:

  • Women who have severe disease of the fallopian tubes

  • Women with a history of pelvic infection

  • Women with moderate to severe endometriosis.

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Insemination is performed at the time of ovulation, usually within 24-36 hours after the LH surge is detected, or after the trigger injection of hCG is administered. The goal of IUI is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes and subsequently increase the chance of fertilization.Before intrauterine insemination, ovulation stimulating medications may be used, in which case careful monitoring will be necessary to determine when the eggs are mature.

The IUI procedure will then be performed around the time of ovulation, typically about 24-36 hours after the surge in LH hormone that indicates ovulation will occur soon.The IUI procedure takes only a few minutes and involves minimal discomfort. The next step is to watch for signs and symptoms of pregnancy.The chances of becoming pregnant with multiples are increased if you take fertility medication when having IUI. There is also a small risk of infection after IUI.IUI may be used in conjunction with ovulatory medications, such as clomophine citrate, gonadotropins, or urofollitropins. If injectable ovulation stimulating drugs are used in an IUI cycle, careful monitoring is essential. Monitoring includes periodic blood tests and ultrasounds beginning around day 6 of the woman’s cycle. Results of these tests will indicate when eggs are mature, prompting the hCG shot.When you undergo the IUI procedure, you can expect to go through the following steps:

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IUI is also used with specially prepared donor sperm. The sperm bank sends the doctor’s office sperm that is already prepared for IUI. IUI is a relatively quick procedure and is performed in the doctor’s office without any anesthesia. It should not be painful, although some women report mild discomfort.

Sperm washing cleanses the sperm of potentially toxic chemicals which may cause adverse reactions in the uterus. The doctor uses a soft catheter that is passed through a speculum directly into the woman’s uterus to deposit the semen at the time of ovulation.

What are the risks of IUI?

A semen sample will be washed by the lab to separate the semen from the seminal fluid. A catheter will then be used to insert the sperm directly into the uterus. This process maximizes the number of sperm cells that are placed in the uterus, thus increasing the possibility of conception.

The steps involve in IUI?

IUI is often done in conjunction with ovulation-stimulating drugs. It can be performed using the husband’s sperm or donor sperm.

You may begin taking fertility drugs and your ovulation cycle will be monitored.

Your partner will provide a sperm sample (or you will obtain donor sperm) that will be specially washed and prepared for the insemination.

Prior to the IUI procedure, your doctor may start you on ovulation drugs, while closely monitoring you with ultrasound and/or blood testing. This monitoring will confirm that you are producing healthy eggs.

Need an IUI?

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