We hope new researches will look into the causes of semen abnormalities and why the figure is rising every day.

Emobileclinic Trending Issues: Male Infertility

Emobileclinic Specialist

The last research on male infertility says approximately 30-40% of infertility cases are caused by the male partner usually in the form of semen abnormalities but with the recent trend, this might be underreported. We hope new researches will look into the causes of  semen abnormalities and why the figure is rising every day. Gynescope Clinic speaks on male factors infertility and this is their article.


A male child unlike the female counterpart has no sperm cell in the testes until the child reaches puberty at approximately age 16 years. From that time onwards, it takes approximately three months for new sperms to be produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes and finally moved to the region called epididymis for full maturation. During sexual intercourse, the sperms from the epididymis move through a narrow tunnel called the vas deferens where they are mixed with fluid from various glands such as the prostate gland and finally deposited in the vagina. Usually very motile sperms will swim up via the cervix (neck of the womb) and finally get to the fallopian tubes within five minutes of ejaculation. Most of the sperms will be lost as they will be expelled via the vagina with the seminal fluid. It is therefore perfectly normal to experience seminal fluid emanating from the vagina after sexual intercourse. It could also become ‘watery’ due to liquefaction, which is also normal.
Normal semen parameters include a sperm count of more than 20 million sperm cells per milliliter of semen. A motility of at least 50% with greater than 50% normal sperms is considered ideal. Sperms which find their way to the fallopian tubes remain viable for about 24-48hours. Therefore, if a woman ovulates within two days of sexual intercourse, it is still possible for fertilization to take place and hopefully pregnancy.

Specific causes of male infertility therefore include:

semen quality pic

Testicular disease
This can be caused by chromosomal disorders, cryporchidism (failure of the testes to descend into the scrotal sac at the time of birth), orchitis (infection of both testes), though rare but can be caused by mumps infection occurring after puberty, torsion (twisting of the testes, which can be very painful), physical and chemical agents such as pesticides, excessive heat, exposure to radiation, blockage of the ducts, which can be due to infections. Note that the infective agents are usually Chlamydia or Gonococcal. Staphylococcus aureus infection WILL NOT lead to infertility. Uncommonly male sexual dysfunction can lead to infertility.


See also  Major Female Sexual Problem (Part 1)


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