Woman 1: I have been following up on your posts and the recent one on male sexual issues caught my attention. I can only speak for myself, but I know there are lots of women who have sexual problems too. I manage or pretend to be enjoying my husband. I used to enjoy my husband but all the fun and excitement stops from when I started cheating on him and the thought of my atrocities changed my sexual taste with my husband. It makes me to avoid having sex with him. It all started some years ago when I caught him cheating with ladies. I felt the only reason a man would cheat was because he does not love his wife. So I started looking elsewhere for the love and affection. But I was wrong as no man was ready to give 100% of the love I wanted. It took me dating some men to get that point. I wanted to stop having affairs but it seems difficult. Is like is my own way of revenge. The moment I wanted to stop, I will discover he is cheating with many more ladies. I really want to stop but it seems impossible.  As he is increasing his own I keep wanting to continue with mine. 

Doctor’s Response: I appreciate your sincerity madam as it will help us to identify the underlying problem. Since we know the history of the problem, getting it solved will be progressive. I will transfer this case to one of the site counselor who will assist you to get through the emotional issues after which you will be referred back for medical investigation.

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‎Counselor’s Response:

 I definitely understand your situation, I feel your anger, your annoyance and your vengeance but those steps you took however can’t solve your marital problem. It will further complicate it. For any woman to have a happy home she has to learn to tolerate and endure. The fact that your husband is cheating on you is not enough for you to start involving in extra marital affairs. Extra marital affairs will ruin your home completely because you will have divided attention to your children, your husband and even to yourself. You have to be a role model to your children. 

For every successful home, there is a woman behind it. If your love is divided, how do you want to have a successful marriage? Those men you are dating cannot give you a complete love because they too are married! Why are you wasting your love? Why can’t you keep it and shower it on your children and your hubby? In trying to seek revenge, you may ruin and lose your home completely. What will become of you if that happens? Those other men will not marry you or accommodate you. You have too much to lose. Focus your mind on those risks and I want you to decide the gains and benefits of your actions. Things you must do as a matter of urgency are …….  (Rest are private chat)

‎ Conclusion: Pending Case.

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