What about post traumatic stress disorder?

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A disorder that follows an encounter, experience or unpleasant event with a debilitating anxiety is known as Post-traumatic disorder. The experience could be imaginary or real, it could be an injury sustained from accident or other means, sexual abuse, death of a love one, and natural disaster, among others. This trauma arises in response to chemical changes in the brain after exposure to threatening events.


The symptoms could manifest in any of the following ways: recanting or reconnecting with past events, having clear memory of the event, incessant nightmares about the event, mental or physical distress, loss of interest on daily activities, depression, loss of concentration, emotional apathy, irritability, insomnia, self pity, sustained and prolonged anger Diagnosis There exists no definite test in diagnosing this condition. It becomes even difficult to diagnose because people with the disorder may be unwilling to recant the trauma or their symptoms. It is left for the specialists that include psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric nurse practitioners to use their instincts in making the diagnosis. A close look or review of the symptoms may ease the diagnosing process.


Seeking Assistance
It is important to seek help any moment that condition begins to disrupt or interfere with ones daily activities like inability to concentrate in school, office, home, erratic behavior towards family members and friends. Similarly, as soon as you are unable to moderate your actions, you begin to have upsetting and dreadful thoughts; it is advisable you consult with specialists for proper intervention.

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Here are some of the treatment options in managing post traumatic stress disorder: It is important to engage in some meaningful talk; this may encourage you to recant the traumatic event and to express your feelings about it. It will also help to desensitize you to the trauma and reduce the symptoms.
You may also engage the service of support groups where you can discuss your feelings with other people who have had the condition. This will enable you to know that your symptoms are not unusual and that you are not alone. You may also need to take some antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs as well as drugs that enhance deep sleep in order to reduce the have some rest. It is important to know that alcohol consumptions and drugs intake are not the best management option for this condition, they are temporary measures and in fact, they are capable of worsening the situation.


Mechanism to manage the situation
Psychotherapy offers important tool to help in coping with the post traumatic stress disorder symptoms. It will help in identifying what stimulates, how to manage and cope with the symptoms.
Encouragement and support from friends and family members are equally helpful in coping with the condition.
Seeking to know more about the condition will go a long way in assisting you to design ways to effectively deal with the situation.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating a well-balanced diet, having adequate rest and regular exercise as well as avoiding anything that trigger stress or anxiety are useful coping mechanism.

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