Plaque on the teeth!

Emobileclinic Trending Topic: PLAQUE ON THE TEETH


Emobileclinic Specialist

 Plaque on the teeth is not a good sight. Plaque is a sticky film on the enamel, tongue and cheeks. There are no special reasons for its appearance. Sooner or later, it occurs in every human being. Even oral hygiene does not give any guarantee because even just 2 hours after brushing again bacteria accumulate.

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White plaque appears in a state of rest, i.e when a person does not eat, does not speak, and generally does not move the jaw. At this time, microbes peacefully evolve.This plaque is most noticeable in the morning.
Brown plaque – is a consequence of smoking because of the tar and nicotine; white film becomes yellowish and then has a brownish tint. The process of smoking damages enamel. In extremely rare occasions you can notice a green film. The reason for its formation may be microbes that are in the process of life produce chlorophyll. Such bacteria is the weakest of all those that can live in the mouth, because the alkali in the saliva very quickly clamps them down. Therefore, usually children have such a plaque because their teeth do not have such a powerful protection yet. Also, people who are addicted to different kinds of chewing tobacco are conversant of green slimy film on the teeth.

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 Getting Rid Of The Plaque

 Plaque is the root cause of all the oral cavity diseases. Take into account the consequences that you may get from plaque:
Bad breath.
The remains on the teeth cause bad breath, or rather the bacteria out of which they are largely composed. The bacteria emit hydrogen sulfide. This gas has a more or less unpleasant odor, and in a pure form has a smell of rotten eggs. If you constantly brush your teeth using additional means of oral hygiene such as rinse and dental floss and the odor is still there, even shortly after cleaning, you should pay attention to your health. Sometimes the cause of bad breath maybe problems with stomach, kidney and intestine.
An odontolith- In case of insufficient oral hygiene, problems with salt metabolism in the body and irregularities in the process of chewing food, the usual plaque can harden and go to a more complex stage of the disease(an odontolith). You won’t be able to remove it at home, and if you left it to itself, it can cause more serious problems. An odontolith prevents penetration of saliva into separate sections of teeth. Saliva is a natural protector of the oral cavity, and without it the enamel may be severely damaged. That part of the tooth, which is under the odontolith, becomes defenseless against bacteria and any infections. In addition, the odontolith itself is an excellent breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. It is very important to remove plaque in time.

 There are several methods to the patient choice. All of them are equally effective, but they have some significant differences:
Removing plaque by ultrasound.
This method gives a perfect result, so it is used only in the advanced cases, for example, the formation of odontolith. Ultrasonic cleaning of plaque is carried out using a special apparatus – scaler. Ultrasonic Scaler delivers micro flow of water to the enamel. Its’ pressure is so great that it makes possible to remove even long-hardened remains, and the rotation of the nozzle provides cleaning of hard to reach areas. Such cleaning takes about an hour, and it should not be repeated more than two times a year. Some patients observes discomfort during it.
Plaque removal by laser
Laser dentistry has a very widespread use. While cleaning by laser each tooth is turn-rayed for a few minutes. The laser affects only the water that is in the plaque. The odontolith begins to disintegrate into several pieces, and then rinsed out with water. The aparatus itself does not even touch the enamel, so there are no possible mechanical damage. Still the laser isn’t completely safe as it is not suitable for people with excessive sensitivity of the enamel.
Plaque removal by AirFlow method
Cleaning by AirFlow is a more gentle technique. Its used as a plaque prevention and to achieve light whitening effect. It works by exfoliating the enamel and gently removing dirt.

 How to prevent plaque?

 About the need of teeth daily cleaning you know from the childhood, but it is not the only method of prevention:
1) Regularly eat raw vegetables and fruits; Cellulose, which they contain, gently cleanses the enamel, even in hard to reach areas.
2) Food with a high content of salt harms not only for the water-salt balance of the body, but also can reflect to the teeth health. Salt is a catalyst that promotes hardening of a conventional plaque. Try to eat less salt.
3) Natural colors such as strong tea and coffee, do not affect the amount of plaque, but they can make more visible the already existing plaque, so try to minimize the use of such drinks.
4) Earlier, dentists advised to brush your teeth after every meal, but this recommendation is already outdated. Experts have proven that not only the lack of hygiene carries great harm to the teeth, but also its excess. Enamel can exude, become more sensitive and fragile. If cleanness of teeth after meals is so important for you, carry a small bottle of dental rinse. It will be even more effective in the fight against plaque. In fact, it reduces the amount of bacteria that cause the root destroying.


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