A Merry Christmas Fact

Most people are familiar with constipation and indigestion especially during Christmas and other festivals. Often people who are faced with indigestion used the term constipation to describe their ordeal. Over eating during this period will lead to indigestion. Indigestion is the discomfort of the upper abdomen. It is not a disease, but rather some symptoms one experience, including abdominal pain,vomit and a feeling of fullness soon after eating. It is a very common phenomenon during this period as a lot of wining and dining are happening everywhere. Apart from over eating, other causes are , Ulcers,like GERD,Stomach cancer ,Gastroparesis (a condition where the stomach doesn’t empty properly; mostly common with diabetes cases),Stomach infections,Irritable bowel syndrome,Chronic pancreatitis,Thyroid disease,Pregnancy

Constipation however is the infrequent bowel movements or a hard to pass one. Constipation is a common cause of painful defecation. A constipation can be said to be severe when there is obstipation -failure to pass stools or gas and a progression of a fecal impaction ,which can cause an obstacle in the bowel and may be life threatening.

SYMPTOMS OF INDIGESTION -Uncomfortable fullness after a meal and Fullness which lasts longer than it should.

-Discomfort in the upper abdomen.

– feeling a mild to severe pain in the area between the bottom of your breast bone and your navel.

-upper abdomen burn. One might feel an uncomfortable heat or burning sensation between the bottom of the breast bone and navel.

– Feeling an uncomfortable sensation of tightness.


Less frequent symptoms include vomiting and belching.

SYMPTOMS- When Indigestion Gets out of hand:

-Shortness of breath

-sweating or chest pain radiating to the jaw, neck or arm

Persistent stooling

-Vomiting or blood in vomit

Weight loss

Loss of appetite

Black, tarry stools or visible blood in stools

Severe pain in upper right abdomen

Pain in upper or lower right abdomen

Discomfort unrelated to eating

How To Put A Check?

-Eat small meals at a time

-Don’t rush your meal. Eat slowly.

-Avoid acidic food like citrus fruits and tomatoes.

-Reduce or avoid foods and drinks that have caffeine.

-Rest well

-Quit smoking Or in the interim no smoking before,during and immediately after meal.

-Reduce intake of alcohol.

-Put on comfortable outfits.

-Don’t exercise with a full stomach. -Do it before a meal or at least 1 hour after you eat.

-Don’t lie down right after you’ve eaten.

Wait at least 3 hours after your last meal of the day before you go to bed.


Antacids are usually recommended for indigestion which helps with fast movement of food into the small intestine. Many of these medications can be purchased without a prescription which should be used as written on the label. Many of these medications can be purchased without a prescription. A severe constipation however requires the assessment of the doctor.

Visit your doctor or consult the site specialist should that happens.

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