Management of Ulcer of the stomach

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A painful sore within the stomach lining or small intestine is known as stomach ulcers. It is the most prominent indicator of peptic ulcer disease. It arises as a result of shedding of the thick layer mucus protecting the stomach resulting in the exposure of the lining tissues of the stomach to digestive acid.


Prolong use of aspirin and ibuprofen
Bacterial infection
Too much of acid in the stomach
Disease condition characterized with excessive secretion of stomach acid


Predisposing factors
Several factors and lifestyles expose one to higher risk of developing stomach ulcers, they are:
Excessive secretion of calcium
Too much alcohol consumption
Prolong use of steroids used in treating asthma
Family history of stomach ulcers
Above the age of 50 years


Burning sensation within the chest and belly button
Loss of weight
Loss of appetite as a result of pain
Nausea or vomiting
Acid reflux
Recurring sudden and sharp chest pain
Bloody stools
The diagnosis can be done by any of the following methods after a careful review of the medical history of the patient:
Laboratory tests involving blood, stool and breath will be ordered to rule out infection.
Barium enema
Endoscopic biopsy
The cause and symptom of stomach will determine treatment option.

Use of appropriate medication such as antibiotics
Removal of the ulcer completely
Admission in the hospital with intravenous fluid and injection in severe case
Blood transfusion may be required in case of bloody defecation and urine
Elimination excess acid in the body
Repairing of bleeding artery
Destroying the cells that secrete acid
Using of cytoprotective agents for the lining of the stomach and small intestine
Desist from smoking and high alcohol consumption

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Side effects linked to stomach ulcer treatment
Nausea and dizziness



Avert the transmission of bacteria and minimizing the risk of bacterial infection.
Regular washing of hands with soap and water
Prepare food thoroughly
Desist from using drugs that increase the risk of having stomach ulcer
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption

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