How do you measure woman’s sexual satisfaction?

Emobileclinic Researchers’ corner 

Female sexual desire or urge are controlled by numbers of factors and women know better when they want sex which is only understood by   them and invariably by the moves they make.  Men don’t have this grace as the penis will tell if a man is in deed sexually aroused or not. A drug was produced last year to help women who don’t desire sex always to over come this. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder affects a lot of women and the drug received massive attention and patronage due to this.

emobile ad newThe very first week in the market Flibanserine popularly known as Addyi was reported to have sold 227 batches. In less than a year of its existence,  Flibanserine appears to have caused more harms than benefits as reported in a recent research which studied the effect of the drugs on over 5000 women who used it. ” US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved flibanserin as a treatment for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in premenopausal women, despite concern about suboptimal risk-benefit trade-offs ” says the author of the new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. 

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According to the researchers the side effects of addyi outweigh it’s benefits while it’s functionality was just a quarter benefit. The drug is said to be responsible for ” 4 common adverse events (AEs): dizziness, somnolence, nausea, and fatigue, ” reported  Ellen Laan, Ph.D., professor, sexology and psychosomatic gynecology, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. “We found women had, on average, 2.5 satisfying sexual events per month before entering the study, and flibanserin added one-half additional satisfying sexual events per month,” she reported. One major challenge of the study was how to measure the efficiency of the drugs; in her words “When you try to judge efficacy for a drug without an accurate measure of what the drug’s supposed to do, it becomes fairly difficult,” she explained. “It’s not like blood cholesterol levels, where there’s a number. How do you measure it? That’s where the problem lies.”she lamented.

The researchers concluded that more studies is needed before addyi is recommended into the guidelines for clinical use.

” Overall, the quality of the evidence was graded as very low,she said. The lead author recommended  future studies that would ”include women from diverse populations, particularly women with comorbidities, medication use, and surgical menopause.” Addyi is still in the market and until further researches especially the one that shows the effect of alcohol on addyi report any dangerous outcome that FDA might act. The drugs was reviewed thoroughly by FDA before it was approved and recent moves to revert this approval was voted out said  Professor Wooloshin of Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, noting that the drugs was approved when no positive data was available during the second and third review of the appoval.

Interesting the cover of Addyi says it shouldn’t be used when alcohol is taken,or when affected with illness like liver disease and when on some medications so FDA might really not do anything except if the effects are life threatening.


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