Getting Pregnant in Certain Age Linked to Bleeding Stroke

Emobileclinic Researcher’s corner

A recent study says women who got pregnant at the age of 40 and above have 60% chances of being affected with hemorrhage stroke later in life . This is a type of stoke that causes bleeding of blood into the surrounding of the brain. This type of Stoke occurs as a result of weakened rupture vessel.  Pregnancy is a serious affairs and any woman regardless of her age who wants to be pregnant should check with her doctor before embarking on it.

So many factors are risk to a healthy delivery mother and child and you can limit such risk such as high blood pressure, diabetes, alcohol and heart disease with adequate preparation of your body before pregnancy. Don’t just get pregnant! Age is an important factor in achieving pregnancy . Women who are above 35 years need adequate prenatal care during pregnancy . Several researches have linked Down syndrome with age of the mother, also the risk of pre-eclampsia is high during this age.
The new research by Dr. Adnan Qureshi, director of the Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Institute, in St. Cloud, Minnesota studied over, 72,000 women between the ages of 50 to 79 and about 3,300 women were pregnant after age 40.The researchers looked into the medical files of these women over a period of 12 years with women who got pregnant below the age of 40 and sorted out the causes of death due to stroke, heart attacks and cardiovascular disease.

There results also show that women who got pregnant in 40years and above died more due to bleeding Stroke (60%), also the death caused by ischemic stroke and cardiovascular disease were high in the results . Even though the ’cause and effect relationship’ was not proven in the research, the study suggests that’ perhaps that rigorous monitoring should continue for years afterwards ” for these women.

Paper presentation at American Stroke Association’s annal meeting on 17th February, 2016 by adnan Qureshi, M. D, director, Zeenat Qureshi Stroke Institute to be published in Peer-reviewed Journal
Health Day News

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