Do you Know about Prediabetes?

Emobileclinic Health News: Pre-diabetes On Line Test

Pre-diabetes is a very tricky medical condition that stays in the body without any symptom. It is the mid-way to be diabetic. The blood sugar is high but not as higher to be referred to as diabetes. This is why most people are not familiar with the term. Many people are familiar with diabetes especially type 2 but only few know about pre-diabetes. This has prompted the massive awareness by ADA, AMA, CDC in partnership with Ad Council in New York to sensitize the people about what pre-diabetes is all about. Just like in New York, sure most people are not aware of such in Nigeria!.

According to American Medical Association more than every 1 in three people are affected in U.S. Pre-diabetes is of serious global medical concern affecting about 86 million people in America. ‘Nearly 90 percent of people with pre-diabetes don’t know they have it and aren’t aware of the long-term risks to their health, such as type 2 diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. Current trends suggest that, if not treated, 15 to 30 percent of people with pre-diabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within five years’.

‘People with pre-diabetes have higher than normal blood glucose (sugar) levels, but not high enough yet to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes’ says CDC. Pre-diabetes is a reversible case but is important to be diagnosed first. Once good life style is imbibed through exercise, weight reduction and healthy diet pre-diabetes cease to exist. Studies have also shown that once people know their status they will be careful to maintain a healthy life style.

‘’Awareness is crucial in the effort to stop type 2 diabetes,” said David Marrero, Ph.D., Director of the Diabetes Translation Research Center at the Indiana University School of Medicine and former President, Health Care & Education at the American Diabetes Association. “Take one minute to take the risk test today and share it with your loved ones. The prediabetes risk test will help you know where you stand and help us get closer to our vision of a life free of diabetes and all of its burdens.”

“Knowing that you have pre-diabetes is just the first step in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes,” said AMA President-Elect Andrew W. Gurman, M.D. “As soon as someone discovers they may be at risk of pre-diabetes, they should talk with their physician about further testing to confirm their diagnosis and discuss the necessary lifestyle changes needed to help prevent type 2 diabetes.”

The campaign on pre-diabetes excludes no one and has a simple but strong message: ‘No one is excused from pre-diabetes’. Get tested to avoid diabetes type 2

Here is a short online test kindly click to verify your status and share so others can benefit.




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