Clomid and its effects on Fertility Management

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One of the most widely used fertility drugs is Clomid. It is generally one of first drug doctors prescribe when confronted with infertility problem in women. Clomid is advised in cases of infertility or subfertility where ovulation is not frequent, highly irregular, or absence of ovulution and no evidence of egg production. In all these conditions, clomid is prescribed to stimulate ovulation for women with ovulatory disorders like anovulation and PCOS.

Functions of Clomid

Clomid primarily functions by affecting reproductive hormone levels and by sending signals to the brain to produce more of certain important female hormones.

Clomid impacts the “fertility hormones” like estrogen and luteinizing hormone – the hormones that cause a woman to ovulate at the midpoint of her cycle. 

It also sends a signal to the brain that estrogen levels are too low. 

It enables the release of more Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone, which facilitates the production of follicle stimulating hormone & luteinizing hormone.

It induces ovulation by orchestrating the production of certain hormones, by increasing key hormone levels, and by raising lh and fsh levels so that an egg will mature and ovulation will take place. This is ovulation induction.

Side Effects

Multiple births

Hostile cervical mucus

Ovarian cyst may develop in rare cases

It is important to consult with your doctor or a reproductive endocrinologist if you think you may be facing infertility symptoms.

Clomid and Pre-Seed

The importance of fertile cervical mucus in reproduction is recognized by both fertility experts and obstetrics/gynecologists. Once ejaculated, sperm need to be able to swim through the cervix to the fallopian tube where fertilization of the egg typically takes place. However, if cervical mucus is absent or of a hostile quality (called “hostile cervical mucus”), sperm may have difficulty making their way to the egg and couples may have a difficult time conceiving.

During a large part of a woman’s menstrual cycle, cervical mucus is hostile to sperm – thick and resistant in order to protect the womb. Around the time of ovulation, however, cervical mucus becomes fertility friendly and helpful for sperm transport. This fertile quality cervical mucus helps the sperm to move or swim. The amount of cervical mucus increases by a factor of 5 and the apparent purpose of fertile cervical mucus is to provide a protective medium that also facilitates transport, motility, and sperm movement through the cervix, uterus, and to the egg.

In regards to clomid, clomiphene citrate can, as a side effect, cause a decrease in the volume of cervical mucus or produce hostile cervical mucus, according to scientific studies. As Dr. J Ellington, the creator of Pre-Seed writes, “numerous studies have shown that clomid can cause a decreases cervical mucus volume…. and [and] quality.” This means that:

Women taking clomid are much more likely to have “hostile” cervical mucus – which provide a barrier to sperm transport and may not provide the protective shield that fertile cervical mucus provides.

Women on clomid have increased vaginal dryness – again, subverting fertility and causing discomfort during sex.

For women using clomid, Dr. Ellington suggests using Pre-Seed to compensate for the lack of cervical mucus volume. As Pre-Seed is designed to safely emulate natural body fluid and provide a vital medium of transport for the sperm, Pre-Seed is the first fertility and sperm-friendly moisturizer available (other brands of personal lubricant can damage sperm or work as a hostile barrier, just like hostile cervical mucus). Developed with fertility in mind, Pre-Seed is unique – and the ideal antidote to the problem of dryness.

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