Aspirin or no Aspirin ?

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It is the traditional practice in most cardiac surgical centers to have patients stop taking aspirin 5 to 7 days before surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding. However a study says ‘the increased risk of surgical bleeding could outweighed by the beneficial effect of aspirin on coronary-graft flow and reduction in the risk of graft thrombosis, myocardial infarction and possible stroke’ The researcher who frowns at the practice where aspirin is recommended 24 hours after CABG surgery said the practice ‘’does not allow for the use of aspirin to help thrombosis in the crucial early post operative phase’’

Contrary to so many studies which had ‘’shown reductions in mortality, the rate of serious complications, or both when aspirin is administered preoperatively or soon after CABG surgery, the new study showed an otherwise result. This study is a very important as it is approved by various board at each site and the ‘’ member of the steering committee vouch for the accuracy of the data set and for adherence of the study protocol’’ This is to raise the conviction and genuineness of the result which doctors are expected to reconsider.’’ The steering committee therefore elected to discontinue the aspirin group’’ in the study.

The researcher simply divided the participants of 5,784 into two groups and placed 1047 on aspirin before and 1053 on aspirin after the surgery. The result showed that ‘’death or thrombiotic complications occurred within the first 30 days after surgery in 202 patients (19.3%) in the aspirin -before group and 215 patients (20.4%) in the placebo group (relative risk with aspirin)’’ Renal failure occurred in 172 patients in the aspirin-before group and 192 in the placebo group and the differences in the results using all parameters was almost the same.

The researcher concluded that ‘’among the patients undergoing artery surgery, the administration of pre-operative aspirin resulted in neither a lower risk of death or thrombotic complications nor higher risk bleeding than with the placebo’’.

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The New England of Medicine
Research by Paul S Myles, etal.
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