An adage says a dead man does not hide  from those who will bury him’. Isn’t that simple? Doctors are not God! They work based on the information you present especially  before any further investigations. Your information form the basis of major diagnosis.

A woman who has done a repeated D&C should at least inform her doctor whenever she gets pregnant. We are often confronted with cases of incompetence cervix and most of the women will tell you they have never done D&C. We believe you! Honestly do, we believe everything you say, so before you tell any lies think about the implications to your health. A lady who recently missed her period and was brought in by her mother to the clinic because of morning sickness,claimed in front of her mother she was a virgin! Even when all the results confirmed she was pregnant. She later admitted after two days that she was pregnant when her mother stepped out. So I asked why she lied in the first place and she said ‘do you want my mother to faint’ Okay that is wisdom! What about someone who was rushed to the hospital after complications from D&C? She refused to acknowledge it was a D&C! So why do woman lie?

A recent studies shows that more women lie to their doctors than men. A wide gender gap is seen here; 30% of women admitted to have told their doctors a white lie while 23% of men admitted the same. The study further shows that about 47% of American women turn to their loved one for medical advice, while 18% of women rather prefer to talk to their manicurist or hairstylist about their medical problem. Why do patients tell lies? Relationship management is very important in customer service and we have recognized it as one major reason. Most doctors are too far away from their patients. ‘How will I tell him my secret when is looking too serious’, says my makeup artist? Most doctors will have to improve their interpersonal relationship so as to build a level of confidentiality and trust between them and the patient; this will lead to an enabling settings for all dirty garments to be spread. Dr ZocDoc; the founder and president of Dr. Oliver Kharraz says ‘there is a lot of emotions around personal health. But I think many doctors would be surprised to hear they’re getting half-stories often because they haven’t left enough time to ask’

Another potent reason why patient lie is to cover up. Women always exercise fear of being exposed. Doctor will not tell your spouse your personal medical history. Nobody wants to expose their  past in the presence of a third party. The third party could be the spouse or the doctor now. The atmosphere has to be right for a personal health chat. Nobody wants to be embarrassed! Another doctor advised patients to write it down if they are too ashamed to say it. That is for the educated patient. What about those women who can’t write. So who is to be blamed? 

See also  CDC Speaks on Group B Strep and why it is important for mothers to be

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